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Engineering Your Digital Future

To stay in the game today and tomorrow, you need to know the game rules. One rule is paramount: Invest strategically in revenue-generating digital solutions and infrastructure. That's where we excel.

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Insight into our work


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Successful Partnerships

In the last ten years, Vettvangur hasn’t just grown; we’ve evolved, handling an ever-expanding array of projects from some of the most forward-thinking companies and institutions in the country. They’ve put their digital dreams in our hands—no pressure, right?



Accelerate innovation with our strategy services, featuring design sprints that swiftly bring ideas to life. We start by researching your business challenges to address core issues. In just days, cross-functional teams ideate, prototype, and validate solutions. Our approach, from defining goals to testing prototypes, fosters collaboration and delivers actionable insights, empowering your business to move forward confidently.

  • Design sprints
  • Art direction
  • Content strategy
  • Copywriting
  • Technical direction
  • R&D


Elevate your brand with our bespoke design services. Our designers capture your essence, creating captivating logos, color palettes, and guidelines to ensure consistency across touchpoints. For UI/UX design, we transform user experiences through research, wireframing, and prototyping, crafting intuitive interfaces that prioritize usability and aesthetics. Whether you're building a new brand or revitalizing an existing one, we guarantee a lasting impact and an optimal user experience.

  • UI/UX
  • Brand identity
  • Illustration
  • Photography
  • Animation
  • Prototyping
  • Videography
  • Design systems


Our front end development brings designs to life with responsive interfaces using HTML, JavaScript, and cutting-edge technologies, ensuring stunning visuals and flawless function across devices. On the back end, we build robust, secure server-side architectures tailored to your needs. From database design to API integration, we ensure seamless communication and optimal performance using the latest technologies.

  • Front-end
  • Back-end
  • App
  • Infrastructure
  • WebGL
  • CMS integration

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Trusted by the best

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Crafting Excellence

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Simple Approach, Effective Results

We like to keep it simple. Together with you, we sketch out the dream solution, break it down into manageable phases, and check in just as often as needed. Simple yet darn effective.

Continuous development

User needs evolve quickly. Technology, even quicker. We regularly sync with you to stay ahead and find ways to constantly improve.


We're a team that dives right into the task, with a sharp eye on the long game. Your success is our success—when you thrive, we thrive.


Building top-tier solutions requires tight collaboration. We start by setting a shared vision, defining success, and mapping out our path together to ensure every step aligns with our goals.

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Read & Discover

Explore the latest insightful tidbits and practical articles on web design, development, digital marketing, and more. Everything we share is designed to simplify your projects and enrich your digital strategies.