-- Opportunities Block

Chcesz się rozwijać i dobrze się przy tym bawić?

Creative collaboration

Dive into a creative playground where your effort  and ideas are valued and collaboration decides the outcome of ambitious projects.

Supportive Culture

Join a team where trust is the foundation, and everyone is ready to support your journey - and celebrate your successes.

Balanced Flexibilty

Enjoy the flexibility that respects your personal life while providing the stability you need to thrive professionally.

Growth Opportunities

Advance your career with ample opportunities for professional development in a company that champions your growth.

Engaging Atmosphere

Work in an environment where hard work meets fun—where a day's challenges are balanced with a good laugh and a supportive team.

-- Video Block

Wgląd w naszą firmę

-- Awards Block

Uznany sukces

Vettvangur została uznana przez Keldan i Viðskiptablaðið za Modelową Firmę w Operacjach 2021 oraz za Wzorową Firmę przez CreditInfo na lata 2022-2023.

Co więcej, Vettvangur to także miejsce pracy na najwyższym poziomie. Zostaliśmy wyróżnieni tytułem Firmy Roku 2020 przez VR i Model Company of the Year w latach 2019, 2021, 2022 i 2023. I nie zwalniamy tempa.

Wszystkie te wyróżnienia oznaczają jedno: szczęśliwy zespół osiąga lepsze, bardziej kreatywne i pozytywne wyniki.

-- Culture Block

Great atmosphere and culture


Knowledge workers cannot complete their tasks with dignity unless they can work independently and have the trust of their superiors. We trust our people to solve their own tasks, but we work closely together, help each other and provide support when needed.


Modern people live in a complex reality. We are all there. In order for you to do everything you need to do - for you and for us - we offer flexible working hours and the option to work from home partially, depending on the project and agreement.


Work harder, play harder? Okay, that's us. We are good at finding occasions to meet and celebrate together - there are many occasions. We hold an annual festival abroad, celebrate a summer party with partners and friends, go bowling and darts, to name a few.

[image or bunch of images]

-- Jobs Block

Oferty pracy

[available jobs list]